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                產(chǎn)品列表PRODUCTS LIST

                首頁(yè) > 技術(shù)與支持 > MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85產(chǎn)品描述
                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85產(chǎn)品描述
                點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):3789 更新時(shí)間:2018-04-20

                德國(guó)MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85產(chǎn)品描述
                基于醇的溶劑混合物,符合EN ISO 3452-1.
                General appearance and composition:
                Mixture of solvents based on alcohol, method C according to EN ISO 3452-1
                Dries slowly
                Flash point material +13 °C
                Suitable for all metals (suitability for plastics needs testing prior to use)
                Processing temperature -10 to +50 °C
                Aerosol can overhead sprayable

                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85應(yīng)用:
                您可以使用MR85 Remover作為去除油脂的預(yù)濾器。通過噴涂,刷涂,浸水或浸漬將MR滲透劑涂抹在任一部位上。留待滲透至少5分鐘。然后使用干凈的無絨布輕輕地蘸上MR85清潔劑,從表面去除多余的MR滲透劑。在距離物體干燥表面20厘米左右處,均勻輕薄噴涂MR developer(例如MR70),形成均勻噴層。根據(jù)選用的滲透劑,物體表面缺陷將顯示為紅色或熒光指示。請(qǐng)注意:如果涂層太薄,則不會(huì)顯示。
                Remove tinder, rust and other contaminations from surface in a suitable manner.
                You can use MR85 Remover as precleaner for removal of oils or fats. Apply MR Penetrant to the part to be tested either by spraying, brushing, flooding or dipping. Allow to penetrate for at least 5 minutes. Remove excess MR Penetrant from surface using a clean lint-free cloth lightly moistened with MR85 Remover. Spray MR Developer (e.g. MR70) from a distance of approx. 20 cm on the dry surface, achieving a thin, uniform layer. Depending on the used penetrant, surface defects will appear as red or fluorescent indications. Please note: If the developer layer is too thick tiny discontinuities will not appear through the developer.

                Relevant approvals and specifications
                Sample testing acc. to EN ISO 3452-2 and ISO 3452-6
                Low content of halogens and sulphur according to EN ISO 3452-2 and ASME Code V, Section V, Article 6
                In correspondence with Lloyd's Reg., Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas, admitted
                by Framatome ANP
                Produits et Matériaux Utilisables en Centrales (PMUC)

                Minimum shelf life:
                Will keep for a minimum of 4 years, stored at room temperature
                Pack sizes:
                Aerosols, 500 ml (1 box contains 12 aerosols)
                5 L, 30 L, 200 L
                Valve pen (Piccolo-Pen)

                愛澤工業(yè)(IZE_INDUSTRIESMR CHEMIE)*經(jīng)銷、常用備件型號(hào):
                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR79
                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85
                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR88
                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR91 

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