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                產(chǎn)品列表PRODUCTS LIST

                首頁 > 新聞中心 > 愛澤工業(yè)2018年4月部分到貨產(chǎn)品專題及庫存 MR CHEMIE
                愛澤工業(yè)2018年4月部分到貨產(chǎn)品專題及庫存 MR CHEMIE
                點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):1705 更新時(shí)間:2018-04-19


                如下為我司愛澤工業(yè)IZE_Industries本月部分到貨MR CHEMIE相關(guān)產(chǎn)品,索取樣本資料和產(chǎn)品信息。


                                                          MR CHEMIE清潔劑、顯像劑、磁懸液 愛澤工業(yè)izeindustries到貨圖集


                德國MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85產(chǎn)品描述

                General appearance and composition:

                Mixture of solvents based on alcohol, method C according to EN ISO 3452-1

                Dries slowly

                Flash point material +13 °C

                Suitable for all metals (suitability for plastics needs testing prior to use)

                Processing temperature -10 to +50 °C

                Aerosol can overhead sprayable


                Relevant approvals and specifications

                Sample testing acc. to EN ISO 3452-2 and ISO 3452-6

                Low content of halogens and sulphur according to EN ISO 3452-2

                and ASME Code V, Section V, Article 6

                In correspondence with Lloyd's Reg., Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas, admitted

                by Framatome ANP



                Remove tinder, rust and other contaminations from surface in a suitable manner.

                You can use MR85 Remover as precleaner for removal of oils or fats.Apply MRPenetrant to the part to be tested either by spraying, brushing, flooding

                or dipping. Allow to penetrate for at least 5 minutes.Remove excess MRPenetrant from surface using a clean lint-free cloth lightly

                moistened with MR85 Remover.Spray MR? Developer (e.g. MR70) from a distance of approx. 20 cm on the dry

                surface, achieving a thin, uniform layer. Depending on the used penetrant, surface

                defects will appear as red or fluorescent indications. Please note: If the developer

                layer is too thick tiny discontinuities will not appear through the developer.


                Minimum shelf life:

                Will keep for a minimum of 4 years, stored at room temperature

                Pack sizes:

                Aerosols, 500 ml (1 box contains 12 aerosols)

                5 L, 30 L, 200 L

                Valve pen (Piccolo-Pen)

                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85愛澤工業(yè)izeindustries發(fā)貨照片


                愛澤工業(yè)(IZE_INDUSTRIESMR CHEMIE)*經(jīng)銷、常用備件型號(hào):

                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR79

                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85

                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR88

                MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR91


                德國MR CHEMIE顯像劑MR70產(chǎn)品描述

                General appearance and composition:

                Solvent removable developer for red and fluorescent penetrant testingform d and e according to EN ISO 3452-1

                Water mixable

                Dries quickly

                Processing temperature -30 °C to +50 °C

                Aerosol overhead sprayable


                Relevant approvals and specifications

                Sample testing acc. to EN ISO 3452-2 and EN ISO 3452-6

                Low content of halogens and sulphur according to EN ISO 3452-2and ASME Code V, Section V, Article 6

                In correspondence with Lloyd's Reg., Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas,admitted by Framatome ANP

                Produits et Matériaux Utilisables en Centrales (PMUC)

                TLV 9017 01:2011-01



                Remove tinder, rust and other contaminations from surface in a suitable manner. A

                possible precleaner for removal of oils or fats is e.g. our remover MR? 79.

                Apply MR?Penetrant to the part to be tested either by spraying, brushing, flooding

                or dipping. Allow to penetrate for at least 5 minutes.

                Remove excess MR?Penetrant from surface either using water or a clean lint-free

                cloth lightly moistened with an MR? Remover.

                Spray MR? 70 Developer from a distance of approx. 20 cm on the dry surface,

                achieving a thin, uniform layer. Depending on the used penetrant, surface defects

                will appear as red or fluorescent indications. Please note: If the developer layer istoo thick tiny discontinuities will not appear through the developer.

                When using a spray gun connected to compressed air it must be ensured that the

                supplied air is free of water and fat.


                Minimum shelf life:

                Will keep for a minimum of 4 years, stored at room temperature

                Pack sizes:

                Aerosols, 500 ml (1 box contains 12 aerosols)

                5 L, 30 L

                Valve pen

                MR CHEMIE顯像劑MR70愛澤工業(yè)izeindustries發(fā)貨照片


                愛澤工業(yè)(IZE_INDUSTRIESMR CHEMIE)*經(jīng)銷、常用備件型號(hào):

                MR CHEMIE顯像劑MR70

                MR CHEMIE顯像劑MR81

                MR CHEMIE顯像劑MR703W

                MR CHEMIE顯像劑MR703WK


                MR CHEMIE磁懸液MR76Scomposition:

                Mixture of isoparaffinic carbonhydroxides, additives and pigments

                Serves to indicate cracks when performing coloured magnetic particle inspection

                Medium particle size da = 1-3 µm

                Flashpoint 84°C

                Sediment: 0,4 – 0,8 ml/100 ml (1 h)

                Low odour

                Aerosol cans over head sprayable

                MR CHEMIE磁懸液MR76S的組成:



                中等粒徑:da = 1-3 µm


                沉淀物:0.4?0.8ml / 100ml(1小時(shí))




                MR CHEMIE磁懸液MR76S愛澤工業(yè)izeindustries發(fā)貨照片


                愛澤工業(yè)(IZE INDUSTRIES)*經(jīng)銷、常用備件型號(hào):

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®67

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®67DL

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®67PS

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®68NF

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®68H

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®68C

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®312

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®311-R

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®313

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®313DL

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®699FA

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®660

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®670F

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®671F

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®672F

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®673F

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®70

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®70H

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®81T-R

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®703W

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®703WK

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®79

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®85

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®88

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®91H

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®3001

                MR CHEMIE滲透劑MR®3002


                                                       MR CHEMIE清潔劑、顯像劑、磁懸液 愛澤工業(yè)izeindustries到貨圖集


                以上為本月部分到貨MR CHEMIE產(chǎn)品,愛澤工業(yè)專業(yè)提供MR CHEMIE全系列產(chǎn)品,MR CHEMIE清潔劑MR85,MR CHEMIE顯像劑MR70,MR CHEMIE磁懸液MR76S等等。


                如果您有任何關(guān)于產(chǎn)品的相關(guān)疑問,請(qǐng)隨時(shí)與我們,愛澤工業(yè)(021-3100 6702)。我們將盡全力解決您的問題。

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